Friday, August 7, 2009


I recently done doing a very special parody in my personal blogsite Why very special? It is special because it is the first time that I made it to a Philippine figure that really mattered to the history of the world. And first time I made a parody to a recently departed person making it seem more like an elegy than a lampoon, which is actually very serious, believe it...
Well, except if you are living under a rock or a deserted island with no means of communication to the outside world, you will find out that I am talking about the late and well-respected former president Corazon “Cory” Aquino.
I made my piece with the song “Tie A Yellow Ribbon” by Tony Orlando which is actually very special to the former leader. The same song is also an inspiration for the yellow ribbon being used as a symbol for the Epiphanio delos Santos Avenue (EDSA) Revolution in the year 1986, a very different approach to a song away from the notorious perception of Filipinos to Careless Whisper since a notable scandal began.
Why make a special tribute parody? Well, first things first, this person is a very rare one, since she is one of those people who actually fulfilled the highest kind of need, the need of self-actualization. Psychologically speaking, it is the need of having your own life and existence a meaning. Actually a very rare kind of need to be bothered upon since many of us only cared for the need of ourselves or our family so there is no way in extending to the other people that needs help.
Second is that as one of the people that is called Filipino, I should have something as a sign of a last respect to someone that extended her life to my bretheren and as a self-acclaimed parodist in bloom, I should give a tribute which I can say myself my style.
Third, I really got a high regard on women, which is actually very ironic because I am a sexist myself so everytime I am with my “girl-friends” I serve them the best that I can. Though I got a special admiration to women who strive to be the best they can be amidst being simple themselves, well, like the late president of course.
And the last reason is that I also had been very emotional when my own mother died and acted like a Kris Aquino, crying like there is no tomorrow, but now I have already recovered, hopefully, and I really hope that Kris would also soon.

The Content In Feature Form

A long time ago, noted as February 25, 1986, in the Philippines is in political turmoil because of the rather corrupted and brutal Marcos regime. And because of the active cries of the Filipinos, they rose against the dictatorial government and became what as we call as the EDSA Revolt, also known as the bloodless revolution which made Ferdinand Marcos and not to mention, his family literally “flew out” of power.
For the spirit (no I do not mean literally, this is not Ghostbusters) what the radical senator’s aim to have a transitional goverment to again implement democracy, his loyal partner-in-life, the low profile senatorial housewife Corazon Aquino did the bidding in becoming the agent for a goverment for the people to enjoy.
With her acceptance of the position, she had made way for democracy to come again to the country since the time of the twenty-year reign of Marcos. A transition government for the country to recover it’s deep wounds of tyrannic dictatorship---that what the Aquino presidency is all about.
But her term did not came as peaceful as expected, although it is ironic that it started in a peaceful revolution. Her reign has suffered seven coup’ d’etats and the consequence of loosing privacy because since then, Aquino had been a public figure for the country to uphold. All for her sacrifice to set peace on the country like a mother calming tantrums from her little children as good housewife can do like no other.
Cory Aquino is also an important figure in the faces of women who are rather deemed as underdogs in their time but since that time that the latter rose into power like the Philippine comic heroine Darna are put in their minds. There are countless of women who tried to be in leadership positions and that does not exclude potitics. In fact, the current president as of August 2009 is actually a woman though not presently close to Aquino.
Being a devout Catholic, Aquino lived her presidential life in accordance to the church believing that Divine Mercy and a little Holy Intervention is what we need to recover from what little faith that the people had on Philippine democracy. There have been so much time that she had devoted in rebuilding the country. Like what would a common housewife know about governing a country anyway?
The greatest thing so far that this old woman gave to us is a great momentum that she and her beloved husband, who their children believe is with her right now, gave to the country is a bloodless revolution which is actually very rare in the history of the whole world, believe it!
Tell me, how many country has their bloodless revolutions anyway? Only a few, and luckily the third world country in the Southeast Asia called as the Philippines is one of them. So therefore we should be proud we has the Aquino couple for their unfathomable contribution to our country.
We ourselves as ordinary Filipinos should live that what the Aquino couple as a symbol of the people’s search and fight for democracy. Let us prove to the heavens that the humble housewife called Corazon Aquino is not alone in her fight and the whole Filipino community is with her on it.
You are not alone Cory, believe it and goodbye...
--- by Jufil John Gumban, a student who is fond of parody. Believe it!

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