Monday, August 17, 2009

Waiting for the Right Time

Is it so hard to keep on waiting? Why there are some people who do things that shouldn’t be done yet? Why there are some who do not wait for the right time?

These are just few questions that popped up in my mind when I hear and read the words premarital sex. I have friends who engaged in this kind of pleasure and they willingly share their lustful experience. I listen and laugh with them but I know that there is something guilt in the deepest part of their minds. I also had an experience when I cried with a friend when she told me about her first and how she felt so sorry for herself.

In our generation, sex is not sacred anymore. Sex is just for fun. With the peer pressures, pornographic materials and intimate scenes that are shown on television and movies, one can presume that it’s okay to have sex before marriage. It’s hard to believe that couples as young as 13 can go to bed together without even fearing the consequences.

They say the first time is the unforgettable one yet they felt the most horrifying experience. They felt that their insides were being exposed and hearts left unattended. But the second they are into it, they crave for more thus, consider sex as part of their system.

Another friend of mine once shared that after they have done it, she felt that she was really attached to the guy. She described her guy as her life and felt really vulnerable. When they broke up, it was awful and it really hurt her even more when she found out that the guy was dating other girls.

It is really awful and painful when your partner just leaves you. How much more is the pain for when you already gave everything including your flesh and yet your partner just walked away from you? No offense meant for the boys but when it comes to premarital sex, the girl is more at risk than the boy.

Forgive me if I am wrong but I think that most of the time the boys are the ones who initiate to have sex. They would tell the girls their favorite clichĂ©: “ I love you so much. If you love me, make love to me”. Then there will be promises of church bells and to live forever with their girl. I am not saying that guys should be solely blamed. Girls can say “NO” and “I am not ready for it”. But what girls do is that they let the boys do what they want thus, harder for them to stop and be carried away by their passion.

According to my friends, it is so hard to say no especially when they went too far. Too far doesn’t only mean intercourse. Too far is craving the physical more than the spiritual. Too far is when you think of how to satisfy your sexual desires rather than how to maintain the relationship. Too far is when you don’t want to stop.

Premarital sex has many consequences. The few minutes of pleasure are definitely not worth a lifetime of guilt. Pregnancy and STD’s are not the only risks. Some say that the greatest consequence is longing for real love and that they will never find it.

I still believe that sex is sacred and is meant only for married couples. I am proud to be a virgin. I can say that I’m lucky and thankful for my parents’ reminders and God’s wisdom. Some say that virgins at my age are old-fashioned and overly conservative. Well, I don’t care because my virginity, as I always say is going to be my wedding gift for my husband. This may sound difficult because I may engage into premarital sex. But I have to keep in my mind that waiting for the right time and the right person is worth it.

By: Monica Katherine S. Juezan, 19

The writer believes that a great reward comes after a long wait. The writer does not fail to remind her friends. She loves her friends. Waiting needs patience and determination.

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